Florida's Air Quality > Pollution Monitoring Data
It is important to note that the monitoring data less than three months old
viewed on this website have generally not been validated or quality assured in
accordance with federal requirements. The green "O" and red "C" represent the
status of the monitor, i.e., Open and Closed, respectively. For the designated
pollutant, open monitors are actively monitoring, while closed monitors are
temporarily or permanently offline. This is a real-time display and as a.
result a monitor's status may vary.
Only Open Sites are displayed on this page.
These data were collected using the State of Florida's continuous ambient air
monitors, except for the particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) attainment status
reports. The PM10 and PM2.5 attainment status reports were created using both
manual and continuous ambient air monitors.
Last updated:
September 17, 2013