Florida Department of Environmental Protection
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   System Requirements: This application requires one of the following operating systems: Windows XP or Windows 7. The Division of Air Resource Management has not tested this application on the Windows 8 or Windows Vista operating systems. This application has been developed to work with the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. It may or may not work with other web browsers. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, please click the Help button for important set up information.

This user account registration is unique to the individual and is not transferrable. Individuals that will use an electronic signature will also need to email the completed and signed DARM Electronic Signature Agreement/PIN Request Form. Fields with asterisks (**) are required to register the user account.

DARM Application Support Desk
Email: DARM.HelpDesk@dep.state.fl.us
Phone: 850-717-9000 Fax: 850-717-9001

** User Login Name:   

   Enter up to 30 characters (letters or numbers) with no embedded spaces.

** First Name:   


** Last Name:   


** Job Title:   


** Name of Organization/Firm:   


** Telephone:   

- - ext.


- -

** Email Address:  

Your password will be e-mailed to you.

Mailing Address:  


** Street:  


** City:  


** State:  


** Zip:  


** Security Question:  


** Answer:  

I am a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida.
      Florida PE # 
I am not a Professional Engineer.
A Florida PE license is not required to register an account or to receive a PIN.
Note: Please remember that your user account represents you as an individual and can be used for both EPSAP and AOR Electronic Signature. Please do NOT create separate accounts for EPSAP and AOR Electronic Signature! You should use the same username, password and PIN for all secure Division of Air Resource Management electronic forms. A link to print the PIN Request Form will be available upon successful completion of your account registration, and from within EPSAP and EAOR.